Dr. S. M. Shahidul Islam about acupuncture treatment. has already published 40 articles in various medical journals and more articles are under publication. Notable among his articles are Archives of Clinical and Medical Case Reports, International Journal of Medical Case Reports, Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports, Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, IJDMSR Journal, etc. Read Dr. S. M. Shahidul islam’s journals of acupuncture.
Journal NO 1: A Case Report on Bronchial Asthma with Myopathy Archives of Clinical and Medical Case Reports
Muscle disease is referred to as myopathy. As a result, the muscles are less efficient than they might be. When muscles don’t grow correctly, are injured, or are missing vital components, this might happen. Muscle atrophy is common in patients who have had Bronchial Asthma with Myopathy for Read More
Jurnal NO 2: A Case Report on Motor Neuron Disease (MND)
Motor neuron disease (MNDs) is a neurodegenerative illness with an unknown cause, often called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). To put it another way, respiratory failure is the most common cause of mortality from progressive muscular weakening and bulbar dysfunction. Until all of the clinical signs and symptoms are present, it may be difficult to confirm the diagnosis (Swash, M. 1992a). Read More
Journal NO 3: Acupuncture Treatment in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients in a Specialized Acupuncture Center in Dhaka Bangladesh.
Inflammatory arthritis, often known as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), is characterized by synovitis that has been consistently and erosively degraded, as well as extra-articular involvement in certain cases. [1] Having a chronic fluctuating disease is Read More
Journal NO 4: Case Report on Varicose Vein Using Acupuncture Journal of Medical Science And Clinical Research
Varicose veins are varicose veins that are swollen and twisted. This condition, which may affect any part of your body, is particularly frequent in the legs. It is not a major medical problem to have varicose veins. However, they may be bothersome and can lead to more severe issues if not addressed promptly enough. So individuals Read More
Journal NO 5: A Case Report on Prolapse Lumbar Intervertebral Disease
(PLID) Treatment through Acupuncture Procedure
Lumbar disc disease is the drying out of the spongy interior matrix of an intervertebral disc in the spine. Lumbar disc disease encompasses several different causes of back pain or sciatica term used by many physicians and back pain researchers. It is thought that a Read More
Journal NO 6: Case Report on Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disease (PLID)
Treatment Through Acupuncture: In Suo Xi Acupuncture Hospital in Bangladesh
This research is backgrounded by the absence of research on the level of implementation of School Health Enterprises (UKS) in Elementary Schools in Bandar Baru District, Pidie Jaya Regency. Based on the alleviation of the problem, the problem can be Read More
Journal NO 7: Case Report_13_MND_3 Global Academic Journal of Medical Sciences
Motor neuron disease (MND), often known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is a degenerative neurological illness for which there is no recognized cause (ALS). Increased muscular weakening and bulbar dysfunction lead to respiratory failure, which is the most common cause of mortality [1]. It may be difficult to establish the diagnosis until all of the clinical signs and symptoms are present. One should always Read More
Journal NO 8: A Case Report Acupuncture Treatment in PLID: A Case Report in a
Specialized Acupuncture Health Care Hospital in Bangladesh, SAR Journal of Medical Case Reports
Adults often complain of back and sciatic discomfort. People and the country suffer huge financial losses as a result of shorter working hours. Before treating these patients, a thorough examination is required. A lack of medical or surgical treatment may aggravate symptoms. The goal of this study is to determine if acupuncture has any impact on the symptoms of PLID. Read More
Journal NO 9: Case Report: Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disease (PLID) Treatment Through Acupuncture at SuoXi Hospital in Bangladesh:
Back pain and sciatica are common afflictions for adults. Working hours are reduced significantly, as well as financial losses for people and the government as a consequence of these changes. These individuals require a comprehensive assessment before treatment can begin. Medical or surgical therapy that falls short of a patient’s needs may wreak havoc and exacerbate their condition. The aim of this case report see the effects of Read More
Journal NO 10: Case Report on Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disease (PLID) Treatment Through Acupuncture: In Suo Xi Acupuncture Hospital in Bangladesh
Two of the most common health problems are low back pain and sciatica. The number of hours worked and the amount of money lost by both employees and the nation as a whole are both drastically reduced. It’s critical to do a full physical assessment of these patients before beginning any treatment. It is feasible that symptoms might worsen as a result of receiving insufficient medical or surgical therapy Read More
Journal NO 11: Acupuncture Treatment in Frozen Shoulder at SuoXi Hospital, A Specialized Acupuncture Heath Care Hospital in Bangladesh
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up Read More
Journal NO 12: Acupuncture Treatment in Erectile Dysfunction by Shockwave Therapy: A Case Report in an Acupuncture Specialized Health Care Center in Bangladesh
Erectile dysfunction (ED), which is often known as impotence, is a kind of sexual dysfunction in which the penis fails to erect or remain erect during sexual activity which is the most common sexual dysfunction among men. Because of its relationship with self-image and problems in sexual encounters, erectile dysfunction may be psychologically devastating. Physical reasons may be established in around 80% of cases. Cardiovascular illness Read More
Journal NO 13: Acupuncture Treatment in Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disease (PLID): A Case Study Journal of Medical and Dental Science Research (JMDSR) Science
Publication Group, USA
Back pain and sciatica are common complaints among adults. Working hours are reduced significantly, as well as financial losses for people and the nation. One must do a comprehensive investigation before treating these people. It is possible that insufficient medical or surgical therapy can worsen symptoms. The of the study is to see the effects of acupuncture in the treatment of PLID. Suo Xi Hospital, Read More
Journal NO 14: Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disease (PLID) and
Acupuncture Treatment in Bangladesh: A Case Study SAS Journal of Medicine
Back pain and sciatica are common afflictions for adults. Working hours are reduced significantly, as well as financial losses for people and the government as a consequence of these changes. These individuals require a comprehensive assessment before treatment can begin. Medical or surgical therapy that falls short of a patient’s needs may wreak havoc Read More
Journal NO 15: A Case Report on Ischemic Stroke and Acupuncture
Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences
Acupuncture’s impact on stroke recurrence was little understood. Ischemic stroke patients who received acupuncture therapy were studied to see whether their risk of stroke recurrence was reduced. Recurrence rates per 1000 person-years fell from 71.4 without acupuncture to 69.9 with acupuncture Read More
Journal NO 16: Case Study on Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disease (PLID): An Acupuncture Treatment in Bangladesh Saudi Journal of Medicine
Back pain and sciatica are common afflictions for adults. Working hours are reduced significantly, as well as financial losses for people and the government as a consequence of these changes. These individuals require a comprehensive assessment before treatment can begin. Medical or surgical therapy that falls short of a patient’s needs may wreak havoc and exacerbate their condition. The aim of this Read More
The most frequent kind of arthritis in joints is osteoarthritis (OA). It is one of the most common causes of pain, loss of function, and disability in people in Western societies. By the time a person is 65 years old, he or she is likely to have radiographic Read More
Journal NO 18: Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disease through Acupuncture
Treatment in Bangladesh: A Case Asian Journal of Medicine and Health
Two of the most frequent health conditions are low back pain and sciatica. Both the number of hours worked and the amount of money lost by workers and the country as a whole is drastically reduced. It’s important to undertake a comprehensive physical evaluation of these people before Read More
Journal NO 19: Acupuncture Treatment in Bell’s Palsy Disease in Bangladesh- A Case Report: ACTA SCIENTIFIC CLINICAL CASE REPORTS
Stroke and Bell’s palsy are the most prevalent causes of sudden facial paralysis. Central or peripheral facial weakness will be determined by the patient’s medical history and neurologic examination. MRI of the brain is essential to check for ischemia, infection, and inflammation if the patient has a central weakness. A blood count, Read More
Journal NO 20: A Case Report on Prolapse Lumbar Intervertebral Disease (PLID)
Treatment through Acupuncture Procedure Saudi journal of medical and pharmaceutical sciences
Low back pain and sciatica are two of the most common health disorders that people experience. Both the number of hours that employees put in and the amount of money that is lost by the nation as a whole see significant reductions as a result of these changes. Before beginning, Read More
Journal NO 21: Acupuncture Treatment in Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disease (PLID) Disease-A Case Report. Himalayan Journal of Applied Medical Sciences and Research
Chronic pain in the back and legs, known medically as sciatica, are common complaint among the general population. There is a significant reduction in working hours and corresponding financial losses for both people and the government. In order to properly treat these people, a thorough evaluation is required first. Read More
Journal NO 22: Acupuncture Treatment in Migraine at Suoxi Acupuncture Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh
IAR Journal of Health Care and Prevention
The role of autonomic nervous system dysfunction in migraine pathogenesis is examined. In light of the fact that acupuncture has been demonstrated to have significant autonomic effects, we investigated whether or not the therapeutic benefits of acupuncture for migraine Read More
Journal NO 23: Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disease (PLID) Treatment in Acupuncture- A Case Study at Suoxi Acupuncture Hospital in Bangladesh
International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Research
Both sciatica and low back pain are common medical problems. The number of hours worked and the national economic loss will both go down as a result of these changes. Before beginning any sort of treatment, a thorough physical examination of these Read More
Journal NO 24: A case study on Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disease (PLID) acupuncture treatment in Bangladesh
Journal of Advance Medical Sciences
Common medical problems include low back discomfort and sciatica. This shift will result in fewer hours worked and less strain on the national economy. Before beginning treatment, these individuals Read More
Journal NO 25: Prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disease acupuncture treatment in Bangladesh
Both sciatica and low back pain are common medical problems. The number of hours worked and the national economic loss will both go down as a result of these changes. Before beginning any sort of treatment, a thorough physical examination of these individuals is essential. Read More
Journal NO 26: Acupuncture Treatment at Suo-Xi Specialized Hospital in Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disease (PLID): A Case Study
Low back pain and sciatica are two of the most common types of medical complaints. This change will result in fewer hours worked, which will relieve pressure on the economy on a national level Read More
Journal NO 27: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Control by Acupuncture and Prescribed SUO-XI Healthy Lifestyle
As a worldwide epidemic, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) demands urgent attention all over the world as well as in Bangladesh. However, the effectiveness of traditional Chinese abdominal acupuncture treatment and healthy lifestyle modification can significantly reduce blood sugar levels, Read More
Journal NO 28: Blood Sugar Controlled of Type 2 DM Patient by Acupuncture Treatment & Suo-Xi Healthy Life Style Modification: A Case Study of Suo-Xi Acupuncture Specialized Hospital in Bangladesh
The most serious illness, type II diabetes is a growing clinical and public health concern that significantly affects our daily lives. Depression has been associated with hyperglycemia and diabetes-related comorbidities including ophthalmology, nephropathy, neurotoxicity, and macrovascular problems in people with T2DM. Males typically experience it beyond the age of 60, whilst females typically experience it before the age of 40. Read More
Journal NO 29: Controlled Hyperlipidemia by Acupuncture Treatment with Traditional Chinese Methods and Prescribed SUO XI Healthy Lifestyle: A Case Report
Hyperlipidemia is a widely observed medical condition that exhibits a strong correlation with the occurrence of coronary heart disease. Certain patients exhibit hesitancy or choose to abstain from the use of lipid-lowering prescription drugs due to concerns over potential adverse pharmacological responses. Read More
Journal NO 30: Successful Management of Thyromegaly with Solitary Thyroid Nodule using Complementary Therapies& Acupuncture in Suo-Xi Hospital Dhaka, Bangladesh
Thyroid disorders encompass a spectrum of conditions affecting the thyroid gland’s structure and function. Thyroid nodules, in particular, canaries concerns due to their potential for malignancy [1]. Thyroid nodules represent a prevalent medical condition, with a significant impact on the general population. The lifetime risk of developing these nodules is estimated to be in the range of 5% to 10% Read More
Journal NO 31: Comprehensive Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus by Acupuncture, Ozone Therapy and Following Suo-Xi healthy Life Style Modification
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) refers to a group of prevalent metabolic illnesses that result in high blood sugar levels. The global prevalence of DM has significantly risen during the last three decades, going from 30 million cases in 1985 to 425 million cases in 2017. According to the International Diabetes Federation, it is projected that over 629 million individuals will get diabetes by the year 2045 if the present pattern persists [1]. Read More
Journal NO 32: A Case Study on Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disease (PLID) of Acupuncture Treatment in Bangladesh
A crucial component to morbidity is a typical symptom as prolapse of lumbar intervertebral discs (PLID). Back pain and sciatica are two conditions that are quite prevalent in adults. In order to effectively treat these individuals, a more thorough examination is required. Treatment that is either medically or surgically injudicious has the potential to make the suffering worse. Suo-Xi Acupuncture at Shantinagar, Dhaka, Bangladesh, was the site of this investigation. A 30-year-old female patient has been complaining of low back pain for 5 years and both knee pain for 2 years. Read More
Journal NO 33: Acupuncture Treatment on Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disease (PLID) – A Report in Bangladesh:
A herniated disc in the lumbar spine is a frequent cause of low back pain and leg pain (PLID). Male prevalence estimates for PLID vary from 1.9% to 7.6%, whereas female prevalence estimates fall within the range of 2.2% to 5.0% [1]. Due to nerve root compression, patients with PLID are more likely to have back pain, lower back pain (including sciatica), quadra equines syndromes, and radicular discomfort [2, 3]. Due to this, discomfort radiates down the affected leg. Read More
Journal NO 34: Acupuncture Treatment on Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disease
(PLID) – A Report in Bangladesh Global Academic Journal of Medical Sciences
Both low back pain and sciatica are among the top ten most prevalent medical complaints. As a consequence of these adjustments, both the number of hours worked and the national economic loss will decrease significantly. It is crucial to do a complete physical evaluation of these patients before initiating any form of therapy. Inadequate medical or surgical therapy might cause symptoms to worsen, increasing the probability of this occurring. This research aims to assess how well acupuncture complements standard PLID care. Read More
Journal NO 35: Reversal of Chronic Kidney Disease in a Patient with Motor Neuron Disease Using Acupuncture, Integrative Medicine and Suo-Xi Life Style Modification
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a condition where the kidneys gradually lose their ability to filter waste products from the blood. And Motor Neuron Disease (MND) is a debilitating neurodegenerative disorder characterized by progressive muscle weakness and atrophy. While these conditions are often managed separately, their co-occurrence presents a unique challenge. Here, we present a case report of a patient with CKD and MND who demonstrated improvement in kidney function with an integrative medicine approach. Read More
Journal NO 36: Cervical Muscle Spasm Treatment in Acupuncture in Bangladesh: A Case Study
There were double-blind studies in which cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride (Flexeril) and diazepam (Valium) were tested for their effectiveness in treating neck and low-back pain. Clinical assessments (graded), patient self-ratings, goniometry, motion analysis by computer and electromyography of controlled movements were all employed in the study. Read More
Journal NO 37: Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disease (PLID) Treatment in Acupuncture: A Case Study at Suo-Xi Specialized Hospital in Bangladesh
Symptoms of sciatica and lower back pain are very frequent. As a consequence of these modifications, both the number of hours worked and the national economic loss will be reduced. Read More
Journal NO 38: Insomnia Disease Treatment in Acupuncture – A Case Study in Bangladesh
As of its popularity in eastern medicine, acupuncture treatment may help insomniacs get a good night’s rest. Insomnia seems to be on the rise in the contemporary world, negatively impacting not just people’s capacity to function but also their quality of life. As of its popularity in eastern medicine, acupuncture treatment may help insomniacs get a good night’s rest. Insomnia seems to be on the rise in the contemporary world, negatively impacting not just people’s capacity to function but also their quality of life. Read More
Journal NO 39: Acupuncture Treatment in Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disease (PLID): A Case Study at a Acupuncture Specialized Hospital in Bangladesh
Sciatica and lower back pain are very common complaints. Both the amount of hours worked and the national economic loss will be minimized as a result of these changes in the labor laws. . Read More
Journal NO 40: A Case Study on Insomnia Disease Treatment in Acupuncture at Suo-Xi Specialized Hospital in Bangladesh
As of its popularity in eastern medicine, acupuncture treatment may help insomniacs get a good night’s rest. Insomnia seems to be on the rise in the contemporary world, negatively impacting not just people’s capacity to function but also their quality of life. Read More