Regarding Myself
Dr. S.M Shahidul Islam
Pioneer Acupuncture Specialist (Bangladesh)
- MPH, North South University (NSU)
- PhD (Pain & Paralysis), Jahangir Nagar University
- President Gold Medalist & Special Training in Acupuncture.
- General Secretary of Bangladesh Acupuncture Association.
- Visiting Consultant of SUO XI Hospital.
Dr. S.M Shahidul Islam is a Pioneer Acupuncture Specialist in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He has been helping patients improve their health and well-being for many years. In this channel, you’ll learn about Dr. S.M Shahidul Islam’s background, training, and expertise…

Dr. Abdul Alim
Consultant, Central Police Hospital, Razarbag, Dhaka.Visit to SUO XI Hospital
An excellent healthcare hospital in Bangladesh is SUO XI Hospital. Where those diseases reach the end of their progression in Bangladesh or many other nations. However, SUO XI Hospital has a center that is under development and is projected to be successful. I looked around and observed modern equipment, highly advanced rooms, and those constructed in a standard, scientific manner. The rooms are created so that no detail of the patient's entrance will be lacking; this has been given particular attention. There is no doubt regarding the cleanliness of the area. Dr. S. M. Shahidul Islam truly impressed me, and the health department will advance if there are more pioneers like him.
You know what?
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends acupuncture treatment for more than 101 diseases or conditions. Acupuncture alters the body's energy flow by creating energetic energy in the human body and contributes significantly to health protection. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a medical system rooted in ancient Chinese philosophy and culture. It is a concept of holism that views the human body as an interconnected and subtle entity with the external environment. Acupuncture can treat different kinds of chronic conditions. Such as,

Do you know?
Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine is a well-known medical textbook that covers a wide range of medical topics, including various aspects of clinical medicine and internal medicine. The book is named after its original author, Sir Stanley Davidson, and has been updated and revised by multiple authors over the years to reflect the latest developments in the field of medicine. In Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine book (24th Edition), acupuncture has been revealed for different kinds of pain conditions and diseases. This is one of the finest books for medical graduates and very popular all over the world.
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Acupuncture Treatment Camp
A free acupuncture treatment camp was recently organized in a village of Madaripur district in the central part of Bangladesh in collaboration with Wazed Quddus Welfare Foundation under the leadership of Mozammel Haque Khan, president of China Bangla Friendship Association and Shashi Ha Hospital. Dr. in the camp. S, M, Shahidul Islam and his assistant doctors applied acupuncture treatment to the public and explained in detail about acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine.

International Acupotomy Conference
In this international conference held in China, Dr. S. M. Shahidul Islam gave an important discussion about acupuncture treatment and detailed information about his pioneering role in the field of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine treatment in Bangladesh. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine is a very ancient medical system of Chinese civilization. He highlighted the importance of the spread of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine treatment in Bangladesh under the skillful hands of SM Shahidul Islam. He shed light on his role in the treatment of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine in Bangladesh and he also explained about the type of disease or the type of patient being cured by acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine treatment in Bangladesh.

BSMMU Conference
Dr. S.M. Shahidul Islam has been working for a long time to promote acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine in different parts of Bangladesh. In the meantime, he has visited various districts and is continuously working to promote acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine in the said districts.

Chinese Dr. in Police Hospital
In various regions of Bangladesh, Dr. S.M. Shahidul Islam has long worked to advance acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine. He has since been to other regions and has been actively promoting acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine in those areas.

India Visit
Pioneer acupuncture specialist Dr. S. M. Shahidul Islam was nominated to attend the International Conference in Delhi. The main topic of the conference was the International Conference on Spine Health and Spinal Disorders. He served as the main speaker there. Besides, he presented a valuable article on Treatment Methods of Spinal Disorders for Relieving Pain at the conference.

Acupuncture Book
Recently Ekushey Book Fair 2023, A book titled Acupuncture Treatment and Healing in Bangladesh written by Dr. S. M. Shahidul Islam was published. In the said book, he sheds light on acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine in detail and gives an idea about its expansion in Bangladesh. Apart from this, the book gives details about acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine and sheds light on its use and benefits in the medical field. Currently, this book has been published in some publications in other countries of the world including Bangladesh, America, and India and this book is also available online on various platforms.
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Long-time acupuncture and TCM proponent Dr. S.M. Shahidul Islam has been active in spreading these practices throughout Bangladesh. Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine are being actively promoted in the aforementioned districts by the man, who has visited many of them in the interim.

My Blog

Acupuncture Can Help You Set Yourself Up for Success
When it comes to how soon acupuncture gets the body back on track, it can be practically miraculous; alternatively, improvements may come slowly but steadily over time. At our SUOXI Hospital, we explain to patients that while acupuncture is an excellent tool for assisting the body in reactivating its natural healing mechanisms, it can’t always help people break bad habits that contributed to their problems in the first place. Acupuncture treatments will be far more effective if the body is given the foundation it needs to heal, even though we do see people receive results even when they don’t take care of themselves.
The Procedure
What can you do, then, to create a strong foundation for healing? It’s as easy as engaging in all of the activities you already know you should be engaging in, such as selecting wholesome foods and beverages, getting enough sleep, remaining active, and spending time outdoors. In fact, as best stated in this poem by a specialist in Acupuncture, all of these things by themselves can make you feel a lot better.
But when it comes to acupuncture, the foundations of health services have an even bigger function in providing the body with the resources it needs for healing. The body uses the needles as a map, and a how-to manual, and these requirements for good health provide the fuel it needs to carry out the task at hand.
More essentially,
Healing requires a lot of energy, and when you want to rebuild something, you need building blocks, right? Making wise dietary decisions will have a significant impact on your healing process because food provides us with energy, which is measured in calories, as well as macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, and other substances. (Read this short article on our website for pain sufferers if you don’t trust us.)
Eat healthily because you love your body and want it to heal, not because you’re worried about your weight or feel guilty. If food nutrients are the raw materials, then acupuncture is the tool. Without wood, all the hammers in the world won’t be able to help you build a house.
It’s important to have enough water every day for a variety of reasons, including maintaining normal body temperature, lubricating joints, preventing infections, feeding cells with nutrition, and maintaining healthy organs. Additionally, being hydrated enhances mood, cognition, and sleep. Water is another component, making this a subset of nutrition.
Water will flush out toxic substances that have become lodged, act as a catalyst for chemical reactions, fill cells to the appropriate volume, etc. Acupuncture enhances circulation, but there won’t be much for it to circulate if you’re dehydrated.
Speaking of circulation, moving oneself is another technique to get things flowing in your body. Exercise and acupuncture both enhance the production of feel-good hormones and natural painkillers. Start a low-intensity exercise program. Walking is the best medicine, along with some mild stretching, according to Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine” from ancient Greece. If you need a little more inspiration in this regard, check out some articles about activities you need to practice while you take acupuncture. If walking isn’t an option for you, consider Qigong or chair yoga.
One of the numerous advantages of acupuncture is that you can experience an increase in energy following your session. But be careful not to engage in physically demanding activities just after your therapy. You can reverse some of the therapeutic effects if you engage in strenuous exercise or heavy lifting.
If a needle is inserted to the proper depth, you can experience a dull discomfort or a light tingle. This could indicate that the therapy is having an effect and activating the acupuncture point. You can also have a weighty or electrified feeling. Acupuncture points may experience feelings of warmth.
Reset your System:
When a patient complains of acute pain, his or her ability to eat and sleep are our two main worries. Eating has previously been discussed, and sleep is when the body repairs itself the most. Even while acupuncture induces the “relax and digest” state, which is necessary for the body to heal, an hour-long treatment pales in comparison to eight hours spent at home in this condition.
Acupuncture relies on your body’s natural healing processes to provide relief. The brain receives a signal from the nerves stimulated by the tiny needles instructing it to release endorphins, which are our body’s natural painkillers. These organic brain chemicals help us unwind and experience euphoria or happiness.
Developing up with Acupuncture:
We’re huge proponents of earthling or grounding because it can neutralize free radicals and reduce inflammation. Going outside has a variety of health benefits, including stimulating the creation of vitamin D in the skin and qi in the body. Again, acupuncture reduces inflammation, but treating it between sessions will make our task easier when you visit us for your appointments.
Depending on how long the effects last, other people receive treatment more or less frequently. An appropriate timetable will be suggested by your acupuncturist for you. You might not experience all of acupuncture’s advantages in your first or second session. Give acupuncture at least five sessions if you decide to give it a try. You will quickly advance if your immune system is strong. If not, you will need to attend further sessions and take vitamins to strengthen your immune system.
Final Words
Does this include ALL of the positive behaviors that can enhance your acupuncture results? Of course not, I say! In addition to setting up the body to function at its peak during an acupuncture session, holistic health includes many additional components that are healing on their own. Making Natural Health as Simple as a Beach Vacation presents ten natural health concepts, including those mentioned above, and encourages you to apply them to your everyday activities.
Whatever brought you to our SUO XI Hospital, by adhering to these guidelines, you’ll be prepared to benefit the most from your treatments. Continue your healthy behaviors even after your body feels like it has returned to equilibrium to avoid problems in the future, lengthen your life, and generally feel fantastic!
The Benefits of Cupping Therapy

The Benefits of Cupping Therapy
Cupping therapy is an alternative therapeutic technique that involves placing cups on the skin to create a vacuum effect. This technique has been used for centuries in various cultures, including traditional Chinese medicine, and Egyptian, and Middle Eastern practices. Cupping is believed to promote healing, improve blood circulation, and relieve pain. Cupping treatment has a long history in many cultures throughout the world and was made popular in the West by Olympic competitors. According to historians, it was used in ancient China as well as the Middle East, southern Europe, and India at the same time. And even though the sorts of cups used may have changed since then, the fundamentals and method of cupping have astonishingly remained the same.
Dr. S. M. Shahidul Islam is the best pain management doctor in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He provide the best acupuncture treatment for pain. Cupping therapy is one of the best therapy for pain relief.
How does cupping treatment work?
Cupping is the process of creating suction in a smooth glass cup at an acupuncture clinic. When I place the glass cup on the skin to draw up the skin and superficial muscle layer into the cup, I use heat within the glass cup to produce suction. In accordance with the condition being treated, the cups are left in place for 10 to 25 minutes.
What is the purpose of cupping therapy?
Numerous therapeutic applications of cupping are based on the ancient Chinese medical tenet that pain exists wherever there is stagnation. When the stagnation is removed, the agony also disappears. Essentially, cupping is used to relieve tension and clear obstructions, reestablishing the body’s normal flow of blood and lymphatic fluid. As a result, cupping can be employed for:
- Treating digestive problems, such as sensations of bloating, reflux, and constipation.
- Enhancing the microcirculation, which enhances muscular relaxation.
- Stimulating the lymphatic system to facilitate the removal of extra fluid and toxins.
- Treating musculoskeletal conditions includes shoulder stress, back, and neck discomfort, recurring injuries, and overall muscular tightness.
In a treatment plan, cupping can be used with acupuncture or used as a standalone therapy.
Is cupping therapy appropriate for all individuals?
When choosing to employ cupping, there are a few things to keep in mind because of the nature of the procedure. It is acceptable for the great majority of adult patients, however, patients who are using blood thinners or who have sensitive or irritated skin should be treated with extra caution. This indicates that cupping is probably not the best course of therapy for you right now if you have a sunburn, skin ulcer, or a wound. Always inform your healthcare provider if you are expecting or nursing since there are several acupuncture areas that you should avoid. However, most of the time, cupping is really secure and has no negative consequences other than cup marks.

What signs does cupping leave behind?
Even while the scars left behind by cupping sometimes resemble bruises, they are really different. They don’t hurt and aren’t even sensitive to touch, to begin with. In fact, you wouldn’t even be aware that they were there if you didn’t see them. Bruises are the consequence of impact trauma, which compresses nearby muscles and tissues, breaks capillaries, and causes blood to collect beneath the skin. While there is no contact or damage during cupping, pathologic elements and stagnant bodily fluids such as interstitial waste, blood, and lymph fluids are brought to the surface.
The body may remove waste by releasing it from the muscles, which makes a place for wholesome fluids to perfuse the area. Pale crimson to darker red and purple can all be seen in the scars that are left behind. They can continue for three to seven days, but as you get more treatments, they normally get shorter.
Aftercare following cupping therapy
After your cupping treatment, drink lots of water to keep hydrated. In the days after your consultation, this will help your lymphatic system remove pollutants. Cover and keep warm the parts that received treatment. After your cupping treatment, be careful to rest and take it easy if you feel worn out during the day. Get an early night and think about your body’s nutritional needs because now is the ideal time to conduct self-care. Cupping is a calming procedure that helps calm the body and the psyche.

To maintain a balanced and evidence-based approach when discussing cupping therapy, especially given the lack of extensive scientific research supporting its benefits. Always encourage readers to consult with healthcare professionals before trying any alternative therapies
Acupressure an Alternative Treatment

Acupressure an Alternative Treatment
Combining acupressure with acupuncture or reflexology is a common practice in alternative medicine. It is predicated on the idea that the life force moves via the body’s meridians. To relieve blockages in these meridians during therapy, physical pressure is given to ashi trigger points or acupuncture points. It is possible to exert pressure using the hand, the elbow, or a variety of tools.
Although some medical studies have claimed that acupressure may be useful for treating a variety of medical conditions, including nausea and vomiting, insomnia, low back pain, migraines, and constipation, these studies have been proven to be highly biased. Acupressure an alternative treatment has been investigated in a variety of problems, but its usefulness is not substantiated by any credible research. Also, Acupuncture is an alternative treatment.

Acupressure Point of Human
“Like treats like” is a crude acupressure rule for novices. Let’s dissect this a little bit. Where would you concentrate a therapy if, while dancing, your hip started to hurt? Your first option would likely be the area of your hip that is now in pain. While applying musculoskeletal-healthy essential oils and giving the painful area a brief massage may help, other portions of the body can also signal the brain to increase blood flow to the hip. Consider the design and purpose of your hip.
The joint that joins your leg to your hip is a ball-and-socket type joint. What other body component is comparable? your sleeve! Where precisely is the hip ache right now?

front, rear, and side? Try massaging the area of the shoulder that corresponds to the front of the hip. Your body may have a few aching places that are requesting some tender loving care. Check how your hip feels after lightly massaging these initially; there’s no need to perform any deep tissue treatment or risk bruising yourself. Sometimes relief comes right once, while other times it builds up over time. Acupuncture is an Alternative medical care now in whole world.

What area of the body am I working on in the same technique?
Both the knee and the elbow are hinge joints located in the middle of the arm and the leg, respectively. Start rubbing the elbow area if your knee starts to bother you to feel for any tender places. Some may defy the back of the elbow treats back of the knee theory, but you should still work on those. They’re most likely just on another meridian that has a different connection to the knee. Acupressure an alternative treatment can be beneficial in exploring these connections.
Although we covered all of the extremities, there are still a few body parts that aren’t included, as you may have observed. We’ll start with a simple one and work our way up to the trunk and head, which will require a bit more mental flexibility: Simply massage the lower abdomen for low back pain by using the front (abdomen and chest) to treat the back. Let’s now advance a little no, a lot further. By treating similar joints similarly throughout, we have been broadly implementing the like-treat-like approach. But you may also take small parts of the body and make them bigger so they have an impact on the entire.
Reflexology on the hands and feet and auricular acupuncture both operate on this premise (using acupuncture points in the ear). Think about the overall shape of your spine as we return to low back discomfort. It is a long column that joins to larger bodily parts at the bottom and top (the pelvis and the head).
Which additional body parts have a structure like this streamlined one? Basically, any of your long bones, including the bones that make up the flat area of your palm and the shin and thigh bones. Massage the ends of any of these other bones and check for any tender regions because your lower back is close to the end of the spinal column.
Consider the spine once more and how it relates to the skull. The hands and feet would be at the ends of the long bones in the arms or legs, which would serve as a representation of the spine as the head is situated at the end of it. Therefore, if you have any uncomfortable regions on your hands or feet and are experiencing head troubles, massage those areas. Just a word of warning: Many people are aware that point “Large Intestine 4/He Gu” is excellent for headaches. The point, which on the other hand, is one of our greatest options for starting labor and is regarded as the command point for any problems in the brain.

Is this procedure the only way to affect certain bodily parts? Yes, there are undoubtedly hundreds of them, but these are the fundamentals. Just know that your licensed acupuncturist may be employing an alternative method of viewing the body in order to get excellent outcomes if they use additional points during your treatment that don’t make sense in light of this reasoning. Consider adding essential oils to the acupressure to offer the body even more assistance, or consider getting acupuncture to have a more profound effect on these spots if you are not seeing a significant improvement after doing it for a few weeks.
Last Word
Always use caution while beginning a new health regimen; massage the points gently, especially when working on others and especially if you’re working with animals, kids, the elderly, someone who has recently suffered a significant injury, anyone who is frail and/or bruises easily, or anyone else. This article was written as a guide to encourage you to learn how you may support your body’s ability to repair itself, but please do further research on the appropriate techniques. Acupressure an Alternative Treatment can also be used to help the body’s natural healing processes. Also, Acupuncture is an alternative treatment.
The body is incredibly resilient and capable of healing itself, yet our regular routines can wear it down. Be kind to it and always get help from a professional if you need it! Acupuncture is an Alternative medical care now in whole world.
For more health tips on acupuncture, visit our blogs.
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Dr. S.M Shahidul Islam
Pioneer Acupuncture Specialist in DhakaPatients Review