Dr. s.m. shahidul islam - PPM

Police Life Of SP Dr. S.M Shahidul Islam

Dr. S.M Shahidul Islam is a qualified and experienced acupuncture doctor in Bangladesh who has assisted people for many years in improving their health and well-being. He has successfully medicated thousands of patients who have suffered from a wide range of diseases and conditions. Dr. S.M Shahidul Islam, an Acupuncture specialist, is an acupuncture pioneer figure who introduced us to this comprehensive therapy approach of Acupuncture. He has deep expertise in acupuncture treatment. A new arena of acupuncture was established with his expert hands. Dr. S.M. Shahidul Islam leads an achieving and encouraging life as a police officer. A broad description of what it comprises is given below:

Police officers are responsible for enforcing laws, preventing and investigating crimes, responding to emergencies, maintaining public safety, and assisting citizens. They may work in different units such as patrol, investigations, traffic, narcotics, and more. Becoming a police officer typically requires completing a police academy training program. Training covers various aspects of law enforcement, including physical fitness, firearms training, legal procedures, self-defence, and community policing. Police officers work in diverse urban, suburban, and rural settings. They may encounter a range of situations, from routine traffic stops to high-risk incidents like hostage situations or armed standoffs.

While Dr. S. M Shahidul Islam was working at Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU), he was recommended to the Health Cadre (12th position) at 23rd BCS, and at 25th BCS he was also recommended to the Police Cadre and joined as Assistant Superintend of Police. In 2015 he started his Ph.D. in (Pain & Paralysis) from Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, and is still, continuing his Ph.D. studies. Now, He has been working in two noble professions. He is an Acupuncture specialist as well and he is a superintendent of the Bangladesh police (SP).

Here comes his police life. After becoming a Police Cadar he increased the quality of treatment at the Central Police Hospital (CPH) at Rajarbag and augmented his dynamism in voluntary activities. He has taken different initiatives by coordinating with the CRP, Saver. He has taken multiple activities for the Police staff working at Central Police Hospital (CPH) to increase their efficiency related to physiotherapy. He played an outstanding role in forming the pathology department at CPH by the ICCDDR’B pathology section. To launch a science-based modern treatment method for Pain Management at CPH he played a unique role in approving the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the China Ethnic Medicine Association Special Skills Alliance and ICCDDR’B, Mohakhali. The kind and humane Superintendent of Police Dr. S. M. Shahidul Islam, PPM in his tenure of service has been performing with efficiency and courage at the Police headquarters, Jamalpur Circle, Keraniganj Circle SB, and City SB. Currently, he is working as Superintendent of Police at Central Police Hospital (CPH).  

He was selected in the prestigious 23rd Bangladesh Civil Services Examination in the Health Cadre as a Assistant Surgeons. Then He faced the 25th Bangladesh Civil Services Examination in the Police Cadre and was an Assistant Superintendent of Police (captain rank) and graduated from Sardah National Police Academy in 2007 in Police Studies, Law, General Administration, Public Policy Management basic outdoor and indoor Police Training in Weapons, Police Drill, Field Craft, enforcement of Law and maintenance of Order, Explosive Countermeasures, Anti Extremist Operations, etc. He has worked independently as a superior officer in charge of a division for over 08 years and commanded police units of over 200 Police officers and men during each of his postings in the rank of Assistant Superintendent of Police (captain rank). He has been working as Circle ASP, This is a field-level Post. So, He has to supervise, Control, and general efficiency of all police work and for the prevention and detection of crime.

He has worked in the Recruitment and Manpower Branch at Bangladesh Police Headquarters, Dhaka. So, He has gathered vast knowledge about Human Resource Management. He can think strategically, express ideas clearly, work independently and in teams, demonstrate self-assuredness, combined with gender and cultural sensitivity, a strong commitment to development and the ability to adapt to varied physical and professional environments and the desire to work with people of different languages, nationalities, and cultural backgrounds, coupled with motivational skills for staff and colleagues. Before joining the UN Mission, He was posted as In charge of the Women & Children Anti-trafficking Monitoring Cell at Bangladesh Police Headquarters’, Dhaka. In 2010 he was sent to the UN Mission as a Medical Office from Jun. 2010 to Jun. 2011 UNAMID-Team Site Graida, DARFUR, SUDAN. He also gained the Capacity Building Program on Forensic Science Investigation in Seoul, Korea from 18/09/2014 – 03/10/2014.

He earned many achievements in his entire life. Such as, in 2019, He got the PPM (President Medal) award for efficiency, wisdom, honesty, prudence, and his voluntary work in different fields.

A police officer’s actions can have lasting effects on the lives of individuals and the community as a whole. Positive interactions and thoughtful decisions contribute to a legacy of safety, justice, and positive change.

In essence, the life of Dr. S. M. Shahidul Islam as a police officer is a calling that demands a unique combination of physical and mental strength, empathy, and a commitment to justice. As society continues to evolve, the role of law enforcement also evolves, highlighting the importance of ongoing dialogue, reform, and the pursuit of a harmonious relationship between law enforcement and the communities he serves.

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