Improve Your Dental Health Naturally with Acupuncture

Improve Dental Health with Acupuncture | Dr S.M. Shahidul Islam

Acupuncture comes to Improve Dental Health.

That’s not unusual, and you probably don’t. A good dental routine, according to the majority of people, consists of brushing, flossing, and two yearly trips to the dentist for cleanings. And it is for the majority. However, that regimen may not be enough for some people to maintain healthy teeth. They still experience dental problems despite maintaining decent oral hygiene. Others find even the simple act of seeing the dentist to be challenging and unpleasant. When visiting the dentist makes you anxious, getting appropriate dental care can be challenging.
Acupuncture can fortunately improve dental health and ease your go to the dentist. Acupuncture is the best way to improve dental health naturally.

Improve Your Dental Health Naturally with Acupuncture
5 Acupuncture Treatments For Improve Dental Health Naturally

For healthy teeth and gums, cultivate kidney Qi.

Your kidney Qi controls your teeth according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). You should check to see if your kidneys require help if you are experiencing any dental problems. Your kidneys should be balanced and supported, and your complete organ system should be in balance to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Children should specifically use acupuncture for dental health. Acupuncture can be a very important part of helping kids build healthy permanent teeth as they are developing their adult teeth.

Dr. S. M. Shahidul Islam provide the best dental treatment in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) Relief

The joint connecting your jaw and skull is called the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ. It is the joint that permits chewing and is located directly in front of your ears. TMD refers to a condition where there is discomfort, difficulty chewing, or popping or clicking sounds coming from this joint. TMD (the condition) is occasionally mistakenly referred to as TMJ (the name of the joint).

Researchers at the So Paulo University in Brazil’s Ribeiro Preto Dental School discovered that TMD patients improved after 3 months of acupuncture. Give acupuncture a try if you have TMD. Acupuncture is the best treatment for Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD).

Before a dental appointment, lessen your anxiety

Acupuncture may be the solution for you if you have extreme anxiety before a dental exam. Researchers discovered that acupuncture may benefit individuals with moderate to severe anxiety in a study by Dr. Palle Rosted in Sweden. In his study, acupuncture was administered to participants five minutes before their appointment. The therapy provided them with quite a lot of relief.

The majority of people find acupuncture calming. Consider setting up a session in advance of a difficult dental treatment to lessen your anxiety.

Refrain from Laughing

Particularly if you are getting impressions, some patients’ strong gag reflexes can make dental sessions exceedingly distressing.

Giuseppa Bilello and Antonella Fragapane researched to see if acupuncture could be beneficial. Acupuncture was found to lessen the gag reflex during impressions in a small study conducted at the University of Palermo in Sicily, Italy. Speak with me about how I may help if your gag reflex makes getting your teeth cleaned uncomfortable.

Dry Mouth Relief

Due to radiation therapy harming their salivary glands, patients with head or neck cancer can have xerostomia or dry mouth. This illness can make it difficult to communicate, chew, taste, or even sleep in addition to being uncomfortable.

However, research by Dr. Valerie Jenkins gives reason for optimism. Patients at SHORE-C (Sussex Health Outcomes Research and Education in Cancer) at the Brighton and Sussex Medical School found improvement in their xerostomia following eight weeks of acupuncture.

Dental pain relieved by Acupuncture

Acupuncture is the best treatment for dental disease. Acupuncture can help relieve dental pain by focusing on certain sites to reduce pain and inflammation, enhance blood flow, and stimulate endorphin release. It can relieve toothaches, post-extraction pain, TMJ disorders, and general oral discomfort, making it a useful therapeutic choice for people looking for alternatives to traditional pain reduction treatments.

Always check with a certified experienced acupuncture expert to make sure it is appropriate for your unique condition. Dr. S. M Shahidul Islam is the certified and experienced acupuncture expert in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He visited his patient at SUO XI Acupuncture Hospital in Dhaka.


Acupuncture can provide alleviation for all oral health difficulties, including cavities, gum disease, TMD, and anxiety. It can help you maintain good oral health and also improve dental health naturally.

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